Sliding Waves is another in the series of projects that responds to the high demands and requirements of customers in the field of logistics and manipulation with parts. A box
with flexible internal dunnage.
This unique design
facilitates manipulation and part loading in the logistic cycle. The inner dunnage can be
modified precisely according to the
customer’s requirements and the
needs of the specific
parts to be packed . Dunnage also allows for a
multi-storey design which
helps use the box space better and
increases the number of packed parts.
1st generation
- storing parts in the individual sliding pockets in a horizontal direction

- compatible system for plastic or metal bulk boxes
- ergonomic manipulation with packaging and parts
- thanks to the sliding pockets and taking out parts from one place
- it is easily attended by one employee
- flexible suspension of the individual storeys for easier folding
- more storeys = higher number of packed parts
- the aforesaid properties of the system are already being used by several of our prominent consumers in the automotive industry in their logistic cycle
2nd generation
- storing parts in the individual storeys in pockets in a vertical direction, multiple use of the loading
volume in “C” profiled parts against 1st generation SW
- the individual pockets slide horizontally
- compatible system for plastic or metal bulk boxes
- ergonomic manipulation with packaging and parts
- thanks to the sliding pockets and taking out parts from one place
- it is easily attended by one employee
- the aforesaid properties of the system are already being used by several of our prominent consumers in the automotive industry in their logistic cycle
3rd generation
- facilitation of the folding dunnage

- the unique system of suspension prevents damage to the dunnage caused by strain during folding
- compatible system for plastic or metal bulk boxes
- ergonomic manipulation with packaging and parts
- it is easily attended by one employee
- simple replacement of dunnage for other projects