In 2022, we successfully completed the TISAX® information security assessment by an independent certification body.
We thus guarantee the secure exchange of sensitive information not only within the automotive industry.
Availability, confidentiality and integrity of information are of great value to our company. The security vulnerability could result in serious security gaps on the OEM side and the loss of confidential information.
In order to eliminate this risk, part of our policy is to
strive for transparency and standardization of information security. We have therefore taken extensive measures to protect sensitive information and are therefore guided by the catalog of information security issues of the
German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA ISA). T
he assessment was carried out by the certification body Büreau Veritas Certification.
Scope ID: SMK1WL
Assessment ID: AV84AF
The assessment of information security in the automotive industry is supported on behalf of the VDA by the ENX Association through TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange).
Complete information about the result can be obtained exclusively through the ENX portal:
https://portal.enx.com/en-US/TISAX/ .
Note: TISAX is a registered trademark and follows the rules of the ENX association - see
https://enx.com/tisax. TISAX and the assessment results are not intended for the general public.